Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Good Evening All!

I thought I would share my thoughts with you today.  I've been feeling creative.  Lately I have had the urge to make my own stitch markers.  I see all types of markers on Ravelry and on the podcasts that I watch and thought, I could probably make some myself.  So guess what? I did it!  I found a video on youtube called 'How to make your own stitch markers' by TheArtsyfartsy123.  The video helped me pick out what I would need and I did it very easily.  I will let you know how they work out. 
Here is a picture of them in one of my projects..  

Making the stitch markers brought on the urge to make my own project bag--because I seem to be running out of bags since I start more projects than I finish : )  I've got major startistis!
My First Project Bag
'Judy's Scarf 'that I'm knitting
So lets move on to my Works In Progress.  I'm working on 'Judy's Scarf' by Judy Greer. She is the owner of my LYS called The Parrot Stitch.  I saw Judy working on the scarf at the library where we gathered for Knit In Public day earlier this year and I had to have one.  I'm kniting it  out of Crazy Zauberball by Schoppel Wolle on size 7 US circular needles. I am really enjoying knitting this scarf up.

This is 'Judy's Scarf' knit by Judy!
This next work in progress is the Garter Stitch Shawl from The Prayer Shawl Ministry Volume 2 that I'm knitting for my mom. As you may know when you knit  a prayer shawl you knit a prayer and good thoughts into it as you knit.  So I chose the Prayer of St Augustine to meditate on while knitting on the shawl. I'm knitting it out of Lion Brands yarn's Mediterranean colorway on size 10-US circular needles.
Mom's Prayer Shawl
My Basic Sock
I'm also working on some plain socks for myself.  They are just called basic socks on double-point needles.  Knitting them out of Patons Kroy Socks yarn and the color name is Clover Colors on my size 2-US harmony needles. The cuff is knit in K1 P1 rib and then stockinette until the heel which is a normal heel.

Tweed Scarflet
On to some of my recent Finished Objects.  The first is the Tweed Scarflet by Sarah Tama.  It's a christmas gift for my mom.  Sorry guys, I can't remember the yarn name or colorway. But it was knit on size 7-US straight needles.  

Next up is The Starving Artist Hat by Laura Linneman of The Knitgirllls podcast.  It's a slouchy hat and it really was a fun knit.  I'm going to make it again and modify it a bit because I apparently knit loose(and of course did not swatch) and it came out bigger than I intended. So I will reduce the cast on stitches and maby cut about 1 inch off the slouch.  But I love it.  I knit it on size 10.5 circular needle and 10.5 DPNs with Cascade Yarns 128 Tweed.
The Starving Artist Hat

Next up is the Bias Scarf pattern on the label of Caprice yarn by N. Y. Yarns.  The color is #6.  It is a secret knit so I won't say who it is far until after christmas.  It was fun to knit and I will be knitting two more.
Bias Scarf
Coming up next on the needles is the Harris Tweed Ribbed socks and Miami Beach Shawl by Cascade Yarns.

So I guess that is it for this week.  I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving this year.  I'll be making potatoe salad and corn salad to go with all the yummy goodness.  Hope you all have a Great Holiday.  

Talk to you soon!  And remember always keep Joy in your knitting!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Welcome and my introduction to the blog world

Hello all!. My name is Andrea and this is my first blog post so I thought I would tell you a little bit about myself.  I have been knitting for about a year and enjoying every minute of it.  My knitting journey started last year during a bout with bronchitis that put me out of commission for a week.  I thought if I can't do anything for that long I need something to do.  Years ago I dabbled in crochet a bit, so I went to the craft section while waiting on a prescription and the knitting items caught my attention.  I got the starter kit, that you all know includes everything you need to get started, and some black yarn and off I went. I didn't do a lot last year but this year my knitting mojo is front and center and I'm thrilled.

My hopes for my blog is to journal my knitting thoughts, share pictures and my journey with kindred spirits of knitting.  I have already found out that knitters rock!  

So I guess that is all for now.  I hope you have an awesome day.  And if you haven't realize it yet, it is daylight savings time so don't forget to set you clocks back 1 hour!